These books are a collection of personal stories of victory, failure and triumph.

The Transparent Leader I: Spiritual Secrets of Nineteen Successful Men
Leadership comes with a high price tag for many men. Too high. But for the man who knows the costs of leadership and prepares himself for the challenges he faces, the rewards can be great. In The Transparent Leader, businessman Dwight Johnson invites you to glean wisdom from 19 prominent men, some of whom learned their lessons the hard way.

The Transparent Leader II: 22 Men Who Have Lived Life with Character, Morals and Ethics
Each story is from a unique, inspiring perspective. The contributors’ hearts show in every one, which is what you’d expect from the title, ‘Transparent Leader.’ What you don’t expect is the depth, the incredible impact of messages brought by many brave and courageous but approachable, accessible, souls.

The Transparent Leader: Chamber Edition
Leadership, geography, history, socio-economic status all are traditionally used to explain success of community and its well-being. Robert Putnam in his book “Bowling Alone” finds that a community’s well-being is dependent on the quality of relationships among the citizens of that community. Here amazing stories of how God is at work in the communities of our great country.

The Transparent Leader: CBMC Edition
CBMC began in 1930 as Christian Business Men’s Committee in the United States in 1930, when a small group of Christian businessmen coordinated a series of pre-Easter prayer rallies. Since then CBMC has become a global association of Christian business and professionals residing in 96 countries and six continents. These are the stories of leaders from this amazing ministry.
The Transparent Leader I: Spiritual Secrets of Nineteen Successful Men
The Transparent Leader II: 22 Men Who Have Lived Life with Character, Morals and Ethics
The Transparent Leader: Chamber Edition
The Transparent Leader: CBMC Edition
A Message from Tom Landry
…as written by Tom Landry for the book.
There is a desperate need for men who take such challenges seriously in business. Unfortunately, many men today do not even realize the enemy is engaging us in battle. The lines are drawn, but so many people fail to recognize theopposition’s game plan. We need men who are observant, men who are committed and courageous, men who will not back down when the fighting is rough. We need men who understand biblical principles of leadership.

NFL Coach, Dallas Cowboys

A quick peak at some of the leaders in the Transparent Leaders Books
All on the things you will learn with these books cannot be explained in a short description. You will gain 566 pages of pure knowledge. Here’s just a quick look at some of the leaders you will find inside.
When God changes a heart
Faith that overcomes doubt
True power and security
Turning from darkness to light
Shaping the second half
God calls us to participate
Following the Real Leader
Changing Your Course